"Battalions of the accursed, captained by pallid data that I have exhumed, will march. You'll read them -- or they'll march. Some of them livid and some of them fiery and some of them rotten." -Charles Hoy Fort-
Legions real name is something unknown, something forbidden to utter. He waged war for the supremacy of Hell and for some reason Satan did not wish to destroy the Beast, instead cast Him into the discraceful form of a human shape and exiled this creature of void to earth through a gate encircled by rock and bone. Legion is the demon of chaos, but is not of the fallen ones. He is the freak of un-nature. He is chaos incarnate.
He is here now and wants to kill every one of us.
"By utterance of forbidden nomen; omerta revealed, epic in reverance we deify this Mephistophelian. With legerdemain procure we the resurgence of the offspring of spirit and flesh through breeding of the Fallen One; to inherit the earth with precedence over the Nephilim." -Excerpt of Nigels final speech to the Nephiscythe Order, 1932-
-Excerpt from the Book of Legion-
And Legion went to Satan and uttered in rueful dismay, "Why hast thou forsaken me in my hour of need, have my honor and allegience to thine biddings been trite? For today I was insulted and called unclean. And thrown to the swine. And laughed at by angels. And you stood by and did nothing. What great Warriors serve Masters that are fragile and timid? Hell knows of no such soul! ...As I no longer know you!" And Legion being a prideful and arrogant demon, waged war against Satan and was cast out of Hell, to walk discracefuly on earth. To never be able to enter the spirit world again. And so that no human may be tricked by him, and follow and worship him, and that this Chaos may not destroy
Himself He shall be bound in a shiney metallic suit and have the face of a whimsical fool. (As in human form.)
Satan was victorious in those days but did not seek
to destroy the beast. And the war had lasted 1000 years before
the exile. (Some Nephiscythe Order documents read 616 years.)
And through the Henge Legion walked.
And Satan wept.
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